Tip: Click the blue title to see more about the project.

VAM - Conan Exiles Mod

Unreal Engine Modding Freelance

I helped make the dreams of Sarpendon, the creator of the Conan Exiles mod, Valkyrian Arsenal & More (VAM), become a reality.

VAM Screenshot


Unreal Engine C++ Networking

An attempt to create a 1:1 copy of basic Halo multiplayer. Abandoned part way through development due to taking on a new commerical project at Vixentail.


Unreal Engine C++

A game made within a week for a university team game jam.


Unreal Engine C++ Networking

A plugin for Unreal Engine 4 and 5 that allows you to replicate something similar to a TMap across the network.



Unity C#

A 2D bullet hell game made using Unity for a university team project.

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Unreal Engine C++ Networking

Inspired from a Halo 3 custom game, it is a UE4 game built on top of the Vehicle Template. It’s the result of one of my second-year university assignments.

Direct3D 11 Renderer

C++ DirectX

A basic real-time 3D render engine built using Direct3D 11.

Amazon Asteroids


A game I made using SDL and C++ for an Amazon game development internship interview.


Unity C#

The first game I ever created. It was the result of my Computer Science A-level project in 2018-2019.

Landnite Screenshot